So, Ruthie and I went on the big tour today of the Jack Daniel’s Distillery in Lynchburg, TN. It was really cool. It sort of reminded me of that Family Guy episode where Peter wins a golden ticket to the Pawtucket Pat Brewery, without the benefit of tasting all of the bubbly…ironically enough, Lynchburg is a dry county.

It’s the craziest irony ever, that they make whiskey in a dry county. Not only are they missing out on retail revenue streams, but also tax. I asked a number of shop owners in the small downtown area why the county was dry. I got a varied number of answers. One was a conspiracy theory that said the corporation liked it that way, one gave the answer that having a couple of liquor stores or bars may bring undesirable consequences and the need for more police, and still another said that there really weren’t enough people in the county to mount a campaign for referendum to bring it back. Collectively, no one said they knew the real reason; it was all just speculation.

In any case, the distillery was quite awesome. I would highly recommend it to anyone who might ever be in the Lynchburg area. We also stopped off at a very nice resturaunt called Cattywumpus. It was essentially a very fancy little hole-in-the-wall diner. They made up fried chicken as if it were gourmet, and it certainly tasted such.

Very nice way to celebrate the last day of the Bush Administration…with booze–even if there was none had. heh.

So, my mom found an old recipe from my grandma. It’s a recipe for chicken that we had often when we went over to her house. I had thought it had been lost to the ages, but to my surprise my mom found it just the other day. I’m definitely going to have to give this a spin 🙂

So, here I am sitting in the Memphis airport. It’s a decent lil thoroughfare, with some good eateries (not McDonald’s) and spiffy WiFi. I’m always on the lookout for famous people as I trudge across the terminals. No sightings as-of yet. I did meet Jim Hendry one time, going through Dallas–he’s the Cubs general manager and, alas, probably the most famous I’ve met. lol…and knowing it, at least.

I’m headed to Louisville for the weekend to attend a Christmas party with Ruthie’s side of the family. It should be spiffy.

I started reading Twilight on the plane. Thus far, it is identical to the movie. Of course, it’s a teen novel so I think it probably won’t get all that sophisticated…but, ya never know. Very great book so far, though.

I have a Tauren going now on Kirin Tor. He’s 18 right now, and leveling fairly rapidly. He’s a Shammmy. I’m trying to still figure out his place in the grand scheme of things…is he a tank? a healer? a DPS dealer? Heck if I know, though I’m currently spec-ing him for Restoration…I guess a healer, at least for now. I’ll be an even better healer when I can get tons of totems for AoE healing 😀

Anyhoo…gotta fly 😉