The Marriott Marquis Con-goers show off their ribbons Atlanta Radio Theatre Company The Hyatt The Hyatt Atrium Tower, Ballroom Level Firefly Dr. Teeth Female Ferengi Andorian Cylon Basilica of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Gargoyle Dooku and Friends View from The American Hotel Jack and Rose (Titanic) Mandalorian Bobbleheads Blue Screen of Death Beetlejuice The Hilton Mars Rover Perseverance Panel Borg Creepy Girls Marriott Atrium Level Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Panel Adam Savage The Marriott Beaker Fountain Outside Marriott Barbenheimer Wookie Futurama Panel Lion-O T-Rex Atrocious Line Outside of AmericasMart Cute TV Head Star Trek: Strange New Worlds costume Strong Bad Flight Attendant Bunny? Among Us Bumblebee Taking off from Huntsville The Steed to Dragon Con
Posts with pictures
Artemis I
“Look again at that dot. That’s here. That’s home. That’s us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives.” – Carl Sagan

Windows Terminal handles opacity better than any other CLI ever did. I played with opacity some time back with Powershell before Windows Terminal came along, but the whole window became opaque, as opposed to just the content pane. I tend to set console opacity first-thing whenever I get a Mac, and it’s good that it can now be integrated into my Windows setup habits 😀 One can do this with the entirety of Windows Terminal, or narrow it to any specific command-line app you want.

Dragon Con 2021
Exposure Notification
Baseball 2020
The most unique season ever. COVID-19 has meant no fans in attendance. We picked a wrong year to buy season tickets.

Campfire Habitable Zone
Neowise (C/2020 F3)
Awesome view of a comet, seen from the International Space Station

I believe I’ve played every version of SimCity, from the very first up through current. I don’t believe I’ve ever had beyond the baseline game, except for SCURK with SimCity 2000–a worthwhile expansion, as it gave you some pretty cool creative control over things in your world.
I have been playing the newest incarnation on-and-off. It still captures the magic of SC2000 (IMO, the best of the series), but it does feel kind of limited.

Don’t get me wrong, the game has the fundamentals down–you still have to watch your Ps and Qs when it comes to population density and utilization of city services. There’s also an interplay between cities in your region that wasn’t there before.
But, the map is so much smaller with this one–even the largest that you can select feels very confining. I have yet to build a second city up yet to the point where that intercity interaction is possible yet, though, so that may make or break the game–for me, at least.
So far, though, it plays just as you’d expect a SimCity game to play–which, in and of itself, is awesome. It makes me glad I didn’t jump into the game early on in its release cycle when it was nothing but multiplayer; I think they made some much-needed correction in the interim which yielded a really nice game in its maturity.