
I had an awesome time last night at the Sobro Summer Nights music festival with mwshook and pescivendolo. It was a nice quaint little parking lot venue in the middle of downtown Nashville. There were three groups but the best were the last two, Trachtenburg Family Slideshow Players and the main course, They Might Be Giants.

The Trachtenburg Family Slideshow Players were unlike any band I’ve ever seen. They take old slides from yard sales and such and write songs for them. It’s really quite bizzare, but strangely hypnotic. There’s just no way to describe their strangeness. It was definitely quite the kewl prelude to the big guys. They’re most likely the only band out there still protesting Vietnam.

They Might Be Giants were frickin’ awesome. They played a good bit from their new album, The Spine. They had an awesome energy on-stage. Of course, my ears are still no more than stumps right now 🙂 They played a number of classics, too, and ended the night on “Istanbul”; quite the fitting end to an uber awesome night.

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