Terminator: Dark Fate

So, there’s another new Terminator movie coming out. This one is a bit different, as it features the return of James Cameron. Presumably, it wipes out all of the sequels since Terminator 2–kind of like how Disney wiped out the Extended Universe of Star Wars after they acquired the property.

It’s “Sci-Fi” in that it’s a good “What if?” story, though most of its soul is wrapped up in action since the time travel stories are all a bit mangled and tired given that this particular trope is replete throughout them all. They get time travel about as “right” as Rick Berman did in all of Star Trek (e.g., the only way we’ll truly find out how time travel works is if we ever master it).

I’ll probably see this one in theatres–there’s always a hope that this will turn the whole series around in a way that the others hadn’t.

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