Well, I get to go to Chicago in about 12 hours or so–actually more like 10. My family is going up there to visit family for Thanksgiving. It should be quite the groovy lil trip, although it’ll be a little strange since we usually go up there in the summer and all. There’ll be no Cubs games this time around. lol. I think I’ll survive.
I’ve left Penny uber amounts of food and water. I hope it’s enough, and that she doesn’t totally gorge herself while I’m gone. Hopefully, the only bad thing when I get back will be the litter box. The record for leaving her alone is 3 days. This will be about 4. I might leave the TV on to keep her company. hehe.
Anyhoo, the main reason we’re going up there is to help my aunt move out of her place–she’s moving into a nursing home. She had surgery over the summer. Even before that, though, I think it’s been exceedingly harder for her to take care of herself. I think we should all just stop getting old right now 😛 It’s a horrible practice that should be made illegal.
I hope everyone has an awesome Thanksgiving and safe travel! 🙂