So, the first day of D*C was really quite awesome. Nah, awesome doesn’t even describe it. It really is an addiction, coming here year after year–and it’s only my 3rd. I hope I keep this enthusiasm through the decades.. Because, of course D*C will never end. lol.

I put a couple of pictures up on the site today–I’ll probably get some more this evening if we happen to wander around the Hyatt. I saw pictures saying “No Photographs”, but it seems that people are taking them anyway. It doesn’t look like the bouncers are giving anyone crap about it, either, so I think I’ll snap a few.. Quite a few.. Alright, a whole slew.

In the morning, the first panel we saw was Kevin Sorbo. I haven’t watched much Andromeda or Hercules, but he was a pretty kewl guy to listen to. Next, we saw Robert Jordan. I have never read “Wheel of Time” but I think that after hearing him and everything all my friends have had to say about him, I think it’s about time I got on the ball and got to reading 🙂 The last panel we saw was this “Whose Line is it, Anyway” panel. It was pretty frickin hillarious.

I got a lightsaber with a blue blade to go with my Jedi outfit. I’ll probably be wearing that again this evening at the Hyatt.

I saw Val in the Dealer Room. We happened to bump into each other just after I got my Jedi toy. It was kewl to see a familiar face 🙂

Anyhoo, off to geek the night away..