So, the rest of the weekend was quite smashing. The next day was mainly chilling out. We saw a little more of Greenfield & the surrounding areas. A little bit of shopping was done. After getting a few things he needed for the winter, like “draft dodgers”, Keith’s pad was a good bit warmer. The morning we left, it was almost roasting.

I saw Goblet of Fire last night with Ruthie 🙂 It was a really, really awesome movie. I didn’t realize the movie was just about 3 hours long–I was quite tired after that. Anyhoo, it looks like the movies certainly are getting progressively darker. Maybe I’ll go back and read the books at some point, although I may get so hooked into Wheel of Time that it may take a backseat for a while 🙂

My Mage in WoW finally got to level 30. It’s about damn time 🙂 It’s going to get to the point where I level so sparsely that Ruthie’s going to overtake me in level with her Warlock 🙂

I’ve put up Christmas decorations around my place. It looks quite smashing, although my lil tree is lacking a bit in the ornaments department. I didn’t want to get those customary glass/plastic ones to start out with because, in the end, they’ll probably just break.