So, I’ve put together my first Sidebar Gadget for Vista. It’s nothing too spectacular, but it’s merely my first 🙂 It displays your external network IP address, and also your internal IP address. Useful for gaming, or if I have to change my DNS record with my domain provider (my IP doesn’t change much with Knology over time, maybe once a year). Anyhoo, here’s a screeny:

Not too much going on today. Just another Friday. w00t! Lunch with the pops, as always. Tonight, though, I get to play some more of World of Warcraft: The Trading Card Game. It’s sort of reminiscent of Magic: The Gathering, except instead of Mana you can use any card you want to as a “resource” which pays for spells, allies and items. A very enjoyable game, particularly because of the obvious connections to a really cool MMO 🙂
My grass is really suffering due to lack of rain-age. On the plus side I haven’t had to cut it in a good long while, and on the down side it’s really crunchy. I’ll have to cut it, anyway, this weekend because hardy weeds have sprung up amongst the hay in a big way. It’s been in the 90s all week. Maybe I’ll wake up at the crack of dawn and do it *SNICKER!!!*
Time to head out. Bleh, I say *YAWN!!!!!*