So, Glorybreeze and Dubiago got down with their bad mechanical chickens the other day 🙂
Month: July 2007
Well, since all the cool kids are doing it…
Movie Stuff!
Zachary Quinto really does look like Nimoy back in the hippy days of the 60s. He still looks like the bad guy, though, who will eat your brain and take away your superpowers 😛 Still nothing on the plot. I guess that’s potentially still pretty fluid, particularly since they haven’t started filming yet. I’m totally going on opening night on this one 😀
Oh, and there’s this:
Marion Ravenwood (Karen Allen) is back in this one, which had been rumored for quite some time. It comes out May 22, 2008 🙂
All kinds of stoopid
So, I heard the most disturbing thing this morning. I really don’t know why, specifically, it was disturbing, but it got me quite perturbed. Perhaps equally odd is that I wake up to NPR in the morning. They do have decent news coverage, even if it is a lefty slant in many cases. That being said, I wouldn’t listen to their political commentary even if a lefty tied me to a chair and made me 😛
Anyhoo, I usually listen to the news when I am waking up. I usually lay there for about 10-15 minutes just listening as my brain boots up for the day. They got to a story about the war in Iraq, of course. The House and Senate have been failing left and right to pass withdrawal measures–go figure, with both houses under Democratic control 😛
The last thing I heard before going into a total tizzy and jumping out of bed was that the House is trying to pass a measure, instead, to ban permanent US bases. I jumped out of bed spouting nearly every curse known to humankind.
The Democrats are, of course, saying that we’ve lost to the terrorists and it’s time to scamper away and let chaos take hold. The Republicans see the insurgency as a setback, but an overcome-able one. Neither party seems to have publically acknowledged that it took 20 years or so to rebuild Germany after WWII. Here we are, a mere four years after we went into Iraq, and we’re already “weary” of it.
The comparison obviously has its flaws–there were no large-scale insurgency movements to the degree we see in Iraq today, in Germany or Japan. But, the process of rebuilding a country is something we’ve done before. The added insurgency here, obviously, adds certain difficulty to it. We are the ones who tore the country up, we’re the ones who supplanted a dictator. We owe the Iraqi people big-time; we need to leave the country better than it was when we came in.
It’s going to take a long time, just as it did in post-Nazi Germany. It may take longer because of that insurgency–which is probably more comparable to Northern Ireland than Germany. But, the cost of a completely chaotic Iraq without our presence is pretty damn high. The cost of surrender to the insurgents is even higher.
It was one thing to pull out of Vietnam…Vietnam wasn’t officially a war, it was a training exercise for the South Vietnamese army. The price is far higher if we run from Iraq, all because we’re uncomfortable with going toe-to-toe with the filth that is the insurgency.
The banning of permanent US bases in Iraq just puts a nail in the coffin for the Democrats. They really don’t seem to know WTF they are doing. They don’t know the consequences of the actions they are trying to take, or the implications to the greater extremist Islamic movement. If we pull out of Iraq completely, there’s going to be hell to pay. Iraq will look to us in the future and hate us for abandoning them, it will embolden those elements of Al-Qaeda in Iraq which are inflicting harm on us and the Iraqis.
I’m just upset because we’re obviously war-weary–or so the Democrats would have the general populace believe. Perhaps there is some truth to that; people have had 2-3 tours in Iraq lasting up to 18 months. Then again, was it any different in WWII? I’m convinced that, if we were to fight WWII today, we’d probably lose the damn thing 😛
I Am Legend
I had commented about this movie in pktaxwench‘s LJ, but this particular flick really snuck up on me. It’s called I Am Legend. It’s based off of a book by Richard Matheson.
Richard Matheson is somewhat of a hero to me. He’s authored a lot of contemporary science fiction, and a number in particular became Twilight Zone episodes (in both the original series and the relaunches since)–which happens to be one of my favorite SciFi shows of all time. He wrote episodes like “Third from the Sun”, “Nick of Time”, “The Invaders” and a whole bunch of others. He was the most adapted author on that TV series. Outside of Serling, he pretty much was The Twilight Zone.
Others of his works that have become modern flicks have are What Dreams May Come, Somewhere in Time, and Stir of Echoes.
The particular story of I Am Legend was most notably done in cinema in the 70s under the title of The Omega Man. It was supposedly a loose interpretation of the book, but that seems to have been the case with a lot of 60s-70s stories. Planet of the Apes, for instance, bears little resemblance to the book outside of the basic plot of a planet being populated by very smart apes and “dumb” humans. Of course, that movie is a bit more of a classic flick than The Omega Man.
Anyhoo, needless to say I can’t wait for this movie. I haven’t read the book yet, and I plan on doing that before this particular piece of cinema comes out. It comes out around Christmas, so I have a bit of time. Of course, as always, that time will sneak up on me. Why is it that time seems to pass quicker the older you get? 😛 lol.
Kevin Simpson

So, David Hewlett has made a flick that I think I’m totally going to have to see.
It does, indeed, look frightfully funny. It has a whole bunch of SG people, including Dr. Beckett, Teal’c and Teyla. His sister also makes an appearance, who I think actually made a cameo on Atlantis, too, as his sister (ironic, eh?). I think I shall most certainly have to get this one. It looks like it’s on iTunes.
So, this weekend was pretty cool. I got caught up on questing for my now 63 mage in WoW. Ruthie and I played some of the WoW card game Friday and Saturday nights. I’m really getting addicted to that game, perhaps even more so than the MMO itself! Hehe.
Cubbies have won a bunch, and are now 1 game above .500 going into the All-Star break. As always, what matters most is that they’re ahead of the Cardinals 😛
And now for some laundering. Excitement.
Geek (or Freak) Moment
So, am I more of a geek or a freak that my dream the night before last was an alternate plot to Star Trek III: The Search for Spock?
Happy Independence Day! 🙂
…and it was good…
Transformers rocked.