w00 h00!! It’s about dang time. I hate those weeks after a short week; they seem so frickin’ long.

I found out my suspicions were more than likely correct; I’m getting a check from the IRS with the “government handout” tax rebate, probably all because I took the convenience route and had preparer fees withdrawn. I don’t get why you have to pay “preparer fees” online. You’re compiling all of the information yourself. I know, I know…they’re just charging you for the convenience of not having to go into a preparer. It still sux0rs 😛 Maybe from now on I’ll just go the classic route and do my taxes offline 😛

It looks like my dad, my bro and I are headed up to MN sometime in July. We are going to see family that my bro and I have not seen before. My dad’s side of the family has been rather aloof in our lives, for various reasons. I believe the ones we are going to meet are on my dad’s mom’s side. Anyhoo, it should be an awesome trip.

BSG tonight!! There’s one more after tonight before that stupid long break. I hope it comes back in October and not January or something…because I’ve said this, I’m sure SciFi will be extra asses and make it January 😛 Anyhoo, I don’t think I’ll be seeing it live *pets his DVR* because Ruthie and I are going to see Kung Fu Panda at Monaco, the new toon with Jack Black as the panda.

Ruthie had a hand in cutting the grass on Monday; it was her first time cutting grass ever. I did the edging, which is always a bitch–at least on my back. It’s also the more perilous proposition, particularly when speaking of a house with nothing but vinyl siding; the previous owners made a tiny hole in the siding from their own weed eating. Anyhoo, she did a great fraking job for a nugget 🙂

Already, I’m ready for the day to be done 😛

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