Author: dubiago
Really cool new vid. Me likey. I’ve listened 7 times, at least, and haven’t tired of it yet. It’s about time there was some new Weezer. This is from The Red Album.
w00 h00!!!
The Phoenix has landed!!
So, Ruthie and I did the “Engagement Encounter” thing this past weekend. It was such an awesome time. I learned more about myself, Ruthie and both of us together. There’s just no describing how awesome the program is. I’d recommend it to any couple who’s about to get hitched. If you invest a lot into it (namely time and effort), you’ll totally get a lot back. There were a number of issues we had discussed before, and others we hadn’t even thought of.
We’ve learned more about our likes and dislikes, our goals, our priorities, and we even made priorities for us. We learned about proper ways to argue, great methods of communication, NFP (Natural Family Planning). In the end, marriage isn’t easy. Hopefully, the tips they gave us will be most helpful in making it a bit easier 🙂
It was a most awesome weekend, in any case, and I can’t begin to describe how helpful it was in getting us to discuss a few important things we hadn’t before. It took place at Sacred Heart Monastery, which was absolutely cool. Ruthie was all about sneaking a peek at a nun–there aren’t many at all in the Huntsville area, though St. John’s (our parish) just recently got one.
I hadn’t been to a retreat since Confirmation back in high school. This one, to me, seemed far more fulfilling–I think one tends to get more out of those retreats as adults than punky teenagers. lol! As our own priest has pointed out, faith is really for adults more than children. We just tend to get more meaning out of everything–depending on maturity level, of course.
Anyhoo, back to that real world place. Boooooo!!!
57 States
I mean…
Frak, that was one powerful episode.
Movie Night!
So, Tuesday has become a traditional movie night amongst a few friends. Last night, we just so happened to watch Sin City. That is one freaky little flick, that’s for sure. I think it’s even more graphic on the TV than on the big screen, ironically enough. Admittedly, though, it had been a while since I had seen it last.
Ruthie has the graphic novels by Frank Miller, a gift I gave her a couple of years back. I might have to check those out 🙂
It’s Wednesday already. That’s frickin’ crazy. I still haven’t gotten the “Government Handout” yet. I’m in the second grouping who will supposedly get it by May 9th (I had my tax return direct deposited). Not sure exactly what I’ll do with it all. I know a good hearty chunk will go into the wedding fund. I was thinking of spending some of it on an iPod Touch, but we’ll see.
This Saturday is a PC LAN! w00 h00! We haven’t had many PC LANs of-late, because a good chunk of us have 360s and have been LANing with those. This should be good. I haven’t played Team Fortress 2 much, and it’s been a long time since I played FEAR Combat and Prey 😀
Obama and Clinton had one win (NC and IN, respectively) each last night, but Obama won the night with about 94 delegates to her 75. I really don’t know why she doesn’t just roll over now. She’d have to get somewhere around 2/3 of the superdelegates. She’s going to be tearing apart the Democratic Party for nothing. Unless she has another scandal to pull out of her arse, I don’t see another Clinton in the White House for at least 8 years.
So yesterday, my Human Mage got to Level 70! I got a loan from the guild bank and I bought a flying mount. It is legendary. It has certainly been a long road to 70. I had been playing in spurts since getting to level 60 and Burning Crusade came out…has it been about a year already? 😮 I really don’t know what I’m going to do now. docjeed certainly has interesting insight about the end-game theory and the different schools of thought about the game. I don’t do PvP very much at all, but I certainly wouldn’t mind instancing a bit on my newfound senior level. I have heard so much about Kara, and I’d love to try it if my guildies don’t think my clothy armor is too wussy…perhaps even get an epic flying mount.
I have a number of other characters out there, though, of different races and classes. Playing through on the Horde side might be interesting, and it’ll certainly take me to different places. Also, leveling the Gnome Mages with hapflygirl is definitely fun. I certainly want to see them to get to 70+.
The weekend was awesome. Friday night was a quiet night of a nice spagetti dinner and a DVD from Blockbuster with hapflygirl. We saw Clue, which I had never seen all the way through. Very smashing movie, for sure. We saw only one of the three endings.
Saturday was absolutely splendid. hapflygirl, Ron, Jennifer, Mark and I went to the Tennessee Renn Faire in Franklin, TN. The human chess was great, the jousting was profoundly cool. I’ll have to post the pics when I have the chance. I’m still working on my album on my server–I’m writing one again, this time in PHP.
Sunday was a splendid day of chilling with the Ruthie and playing a good smattering of WoW, at which point I hit the aforementioned 70 mark.
And for now, I am chillin’ and watchin’ bit of TV before some rack time.
P.S. Galactica was frickin’ awesome on Friday night.
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