So, I got Doom 3 last nite 🙂 It is just such an unreal game. Well, basically it follows the same plot as the predecessors. On the whole, it seems like pretty much the same game as before only on steroids. I was playing at a friend’s house last night (has a mediocre multiplayer package, btw), when he brought up the good point that no genuine strides in gaming have come along since the first Doom. Basically, the main thing that has been improved upon has been graphics engines and method of play/input. You still have the basic types of games you had back then: action and rpg. It’s just interesting that we all spend $50+ on these games, when nothing really changes except the fluff.

But, that being said, Doom3 has good fluff 🙂

This weekend shall be one for relaxing. It was kind of a long week, and I think I feel like doing nothing more than sit around and read–I’ve been gaming way too much to not take a break from that 🙂 My book library is so big that I could almost be my own bookstore; I guess I’m kind of a total packrat when it comes to books, especially of the Sci-Fi variety *nerdish grin*

But maybe I’ll play just a little Doom 3 before getting to it 😀

My router has been down the past day or so. Last night, I was playing UT2004 with a friend. I opened up all ports on the computer that I was using as a dedicated server. I hope I didn’t get cyberschmacked by some disgruntled punk 13 year old 😛 DMZing your server isn’t generally a good idea, but I forgot to UN-DMZ it when I went to bed. *place dunce cap here*

Other than that, it’s been a fairly uneventful day–which isn’t bad.. It’s better than Penny constantly biting my feet 🙂 She has this crazy little thing she does when I’m on the computer in the den. When I call her in the living room, and move my hand toward the floor, she starts walking sideways over to me, arching her back and curling her tail behind her.. it’s the strangest thing I’ve ever seen in a cat. I don’t know; maybe you cat owners out there know what the freak is up with that 🙂

Anyway, off to play a lil more UT 2004 (and this time i’m freakin closing the DMZ when I’m done. lol).

So I was watching the Cubs tonight. Penny usually gets quite fiesty in the evening, making an extra effort to take some nibbles at some feet–or any other dangly body parts. Tonight, though, she was as smooth as glass. I think sitting around watching a Cubs game has as calming an effect on her as it does on me. Especially when they win, of course 😉

With all that cochranejv has been writing about his jaunts into the hills with his trusty steed (a.k.a. bicycle), I think that I shall seriously consider getting one. I haven’t really had one since I was a teenie bopper, but I know I could use the exercise. Being a code monkey isn’t exactly friendly to becoming and staying buff 🙂

Well, anyhoo.. That’s about all for this evening. I’m quite wiped. And it’s only Tuesday. UGH. lol.

So, the 2004 Game of the Year came out yesterday. Halflife 2, you say? I think not. Doom 3? HA! Nah, the most uber awesome game of 2004 is Peasant’s Quest!!!! It’s probably one of the kewler games to grace in a while.

I’ve been slacking on my dorkish ways. I still haven’t seen SG-1 or Atlantis yet. I shall, however remedy this and watch with some luscious buffalo wings to accompany the warm fuzzy nerdish feeling.

It’s frickin August already–Just a couple of weeks until I head up to Chicago for a lil excursion. And less than a frickin month until DragonCon!!!

Well, anyway.. Enough of this nerdfest. I’m off for some luscious wings 😀 *insert pig out sounds here*