Well, not quite yet. But, my dad and I have driven my bro up to Milwaukee. It’s a really nice town and, after breezing through it, it seems a lot like Denver. The hotel they have him booked at is pretty nice–it’s one of those Extended Stay places.

The trip up here was fairly uneventful. It was definitely a very nice couple of days to drive. I don’t know if there was a cloud in the sky on the way up. The only downside was that we stayed at a Motel 6 near Indianapolis that was quite loud. I never liked motels, because they always project outside sound in just the right bad way. We heard people & motorcycles for most of the night. Ironically, when we left at about 7am, the place was quiet as a tomb.

We stopped off at Miller Park, and ate at TGIFriday’s Front Row in the park. It’s a really nice park. It reminds me a lot of Bank One Ballpark where the Diamondbacks play.

Anyhoo, off to sleep. Leaving at 4am in the morning, so that we can get back to Bama at a decent hour tomorrow.